ScEpTIC Configuration shows a sample configuration of ScEpTIC. Here we have various parameters that we can tune to configure ScEpTIC and the emulated architecture. We suggest you to create a copy of this file and customize it accordingly to your requirements.

Here we describe the various configuration parameters.


Theese two constants control the logging of ScEpTIC events, such as the execution of instructions:


These two constants control the logging of the LLVM IR parser:



We can control ScEpTIC analysis outputs using these variables:

test_name = 'program'
file = 'samples/base.ll'
save_test_results = True
save_llvmir_code = True
save_vm_state = True
save_dir = 'analysis_results'
  • test_name specifies the name of the test that is saved inside ScEpTIC output file. This may be useful if we need to run multiple analysis

  • file specifies the path of the program to analyze

  • save_test_results specifies whether to save the test results

  • save_llvmir_code specifies whether to save the parsed LLVM IR of the program

  • save_vm_state specifies whether to save the emulated architecture state at the end of the simulation

  • save_dir speecifies the directory where ScEpTIC saves its analysis results

Once ScEpTIC terminates its analysis, it creates a new folder into save_dir and saves the sate, the LLVM IR, and the analysis results, if enabled.

Analysis to execute

ScEpTIC supports various analysis technqiues.

We can control the analysis to execute with these variables:

run_continuous             = True
run_locate_memory_test     = True
run_evaluate_memory_test   = True
run_input_consistency_test = True
run_output_profiling       = True
run_profiling              = True
  • run_continous controls whether to execute the program sequentially

  • run_locate_memory_test controls wheter to execute the analysis for locating memory-based anomalies

  • run_evaluate_memory_test controls wheter to execute the analysis for evaluating the effects of memory-based anomalies

  • run_input_consistency_test controles whether to execute the analysis for environment input interactions

  • run_output_profiling controls whether to execute the analysis for environment ouput interactions

  • run_profiling controls whether to execute the analysis for debugging specific intermittent executions

Program Configuration

The program_configuration dictionary allows us to configure various program-related settings.

program_configuration = {
    'ir_function_prefix': '@', #llvm ir function name prefix
    'main_function_name': 'main',
    'before_restore_function_name': 'sceptic_before_restore',
    'after_restore_function_name': 'sceptic_after_restore',
    'before_checkpoint_function_name': 'sceptic_before_checkpoint',
    'after_checkpoint_function_name': 'sceptic_after_checkpoint',
  • ir_function_prefix is the LLVM IR function name prefix, which is usually @

  • main_function_name is the name of the main function to execute

ScEpTIC abstracts checkpoint and restore operations. Hence, to model custom checkpoint and restore routines, we need to create a function that contains the additional operations that checkpoint or restore operations execute with respect to saving and restoring main memory and the register file. Then, ScEpTIC uses the function names specified in before_restore_function_name, after_restore_function_name, before_checkpoint_function_name, and after_checkpoint_function_name to execute the corresponding function. Note that ScEpTIC executes the custom functions before/after checkpoint and restore operations only if it finds the corresponding function in the LLVM IR.

Register File Configuration

The register_file_configuration dictionary allows us to configure the simulated register-file settings.

register_file_configuration = {
    'use_physical_registers': True,
    'physical_registers_number': 10,
    'allocator_module_location': 'ScEpTIC.AST.register_allocation',
    'allocator_module_name': 'linear_scan',
    'allocator_function_name': 'allocate_registers', # nb: must take those arguments: functions, registers_number, reg_prefix, spill_prefix, spill_type
    'physical_registers_prefix': 'R',
    'spill_virtual_registers_prefix': '%spill_',
    'spill_virtual_registers_type': 'i32',
    'param_regs_count': 4 # number of registers used for passing parameters to functions (in arm/msp430 is 4)
  • use_physical_registers specifies whether ScEpTIC simulates a physical or a virtual register file. If it is set to false, ScEpTIC ignores all the other parameters, as it simulates a virtual register file that has unlimited registers

  • physical_registers_numer specifies the number of registers in the register file

  • allocator_module_location specifies the python path of the register allocation module

  • allocator_module_name specifies the name of the module containing the register allocation functionality. ScEpTIC already implements the linear scan register allocation algorithm

  • allocator_function_name specifies the name of the register allocation function that applies the program transformation. Note that to implement your own register allocation algorithm, you can check our implementation of the linear scan register allocation algorithm inside ScEpTIC/AST/register_allocation/ Note that the main function of a register allocation module must take those arguments: functions, registers_number, reg_prefix, spill_prefix, spill_type

  • physical_registers_prefix specifies the prefix of physycal registers, used for textual representation of the register file

  • spill_virtual_registers_prefix specifies the prefix of virtual registers that will contain the stack address of spilled registers, used for textual representation of the register file

  • spill_virtual_registers_type specifies the LLVM IR first-class type of the virtual registers used for spilling physical registers

  • param_regs_count specifies the number of physical registers reserved for passing parameters in function calls. In the ARM and MSP430 architecture it is usually 4

Execution Depth

Depending on our checkpoint mechanism configuration, we may need to set the execution depth parameter for locating memory-based anomalies or evaluating their effects. In such a case, we set the execution_depth variable to an integer value:

execution_depth = 10

Analysis Stop Condition

If we want to stop the analysis when an intermittence anomaly of any kind is encountered, we need to set to true the stop_on_first_anomaly variable:

stop_on_first_anomaly = True

Otherwise, ScEpTIC will execute the analysis until it reaches the program end.

Target System

The system variable specifies the system configuration that ScEpTIC will emulate. ScEpTIC provides various pre-defined system configurations:

  • mementos: uses the same configuration of Mementos

  • hibernus: uses the same configuration of Hibernus

  • dino: uses the same configuration of DINO

  • ratchet: uses the same configuration of Ratchet

  • quickrecall: uses the same configuration of QuickRecall

You can find these system configurations inside ScEpTIC/emulator/intermittent_executor/configurator. To create a new configuration, you can simply add a new python file inside that folder, and specify the memory_configuration and checkpoint_mechanism_configuration dictionaries as we describe in the next sections. Then, you need to specify as system value the name of the created python file.

Instead, to use a custom configuration, we need to set system to custom, and then we need to specify the memory configuration of the system and the settings of the checkpoint mechanism, as we describe next.

system = 'custom'

Custom Memory Setup

The memory_configuration dictionary specifies the memory configuration of the system. If a pre-defined system configuration is used, re-defining the memory_configuration dictionary overwrites portions of the pre-configured system setup.

The overall memory_configuration dictionary contains the following elements:

memory_configuration = {
    'sram': {
        'enabled': True,
        'stack': True,
        'heap': True,
        'gst': True,
        'gst_prefix': 'SGST',
        'gst_base_address': 0
    'nvm': {
        'enabled': True,
        'stack': False,
        'heap': False,
        'gst': True,
        'gst_prefix': 'FGST',
        'gst_base_address': 0
    'base_addresses': {
        'stack': 0,
        'heap': 0
    'prefixes': {
        'stack': 'S',
        'heap': 'H'
    'gst': {
        'default_ram': 'SRAM', # SRAM or NVM
        'other_ram_section': '.NVM'
    'address_dimension': 32 # bit

The sram and nvm sub-dictionaries specify the configuration for the volatile and non-volatile memories:

  • enabled specifies whether the considered memory is enabled

  • stack specifies whether the stack is allocated onto the considered memory. Note that the stack portion of the main memory can be allocated either onto sram or nvm

  • heap specifies whether the heap is allocated onto the considered memory. Note that the heap portion of the main memory can be allocated either onto sram or nvm

  • gst specifies whether the global symbol table (i.e. global variables) are allocated onto the considered memory. Note that the GST can be allocated both onto sram and nvm

  • gst_prefix specifies the prefix for the addresses of the gst variables allocated onto the considered memory

  • gst_base_address specifies the starting address of the gst in the considered memory

The base_addresses and prefixes sub-dictionaries specify the starting address and the prefixes of the addresses for the stack and the heap:

'base_addresses': {
    'stack': 0,
    'heap': 0
'prefixes': {
    'stack': 'S',
    'heap': 'H'

The GST (i.e. global variables) can be allocated both onto SRAM or NVM. The gst sub-dictionary specifies the policy for allocating a variable onto NVM:

'gst': {
    'default_ram': 'SRAM', # SRAM or NVM
    'other_ram_section': '.NVM'
  • default_ram specifies the default memory location for global variables. It can be either SRAM or NVM

  • other_ram_section specifies the section that we can use in the program source code to tell ScEpTIC that a global variable must be allocated onto the non-default ram

Note that to assign a section to a variable, we must specify the attribute section when we declare it:

int my_nvm_var __attribute__((section(".NVM")));

Finally, address_dimension specifies the size in bit of addresses.

Custom Checkpoint Mechanism Setup

The checkpoint_mechanism_configuration dictionary specifies the checkpoint mechanism configuration. If a pre-defined system configuration is used, re-defining the checkpoint_mechanism_configuration dictionary overwrites portions of the pre-configured system setup.

The overall checkpoint_mechanism_configuration dictionary contains the following elements:

checkpoint_mechanism_configuration = {
    'checkpoint_placement': 'dynamic',
    'checkpoint_routine_name': 'checkpoint',
    'restore_routine_name': 'restore',
    'on_dynamic_voltage_alert': 'continue',
    'restore_register_file': True,
    'sram': {'restore_stack': True, 'restore_heap': True, 'restore_gst': True},
    'nvm': {'restore_stack': False, 'restore_heap': False, 'restore_gst': False},
    'environment': False
  • checkpoint_placement specifies whether the checkpoint mechanism uses checkpoints statically placed in the program or dynamically decides when to save checkpoint. Hence, it must be set either to static or dynamic

  • checkpoint_routine_name specifies the name of the checkpoint routine. Note that this parameter is considered only for static checkpoint mechanisms to identify where checkpoints should be saved. Moreover, note that ScEpTIC does not execute the checkpoint routine and instead uses its own abstraction

  • restore_routine_name specifies the name of the restore routine. Note that this parameter is considered only for static checkpoint mechanism and ScEpTIC uses its own restore abstraction

  • on_dynamic_voltage_alert specifies the behavior of dynamic checkpoint mechanism when a low-voltage alert is raised. This can be either set to continue (i.e. the system saves a checkpoint and then continues the execution) or stop (i.e. the sytem saves a checkpoint and enters a deep-sleep mode)

The other keys of the dictionary allows us to set up the elements that the checkpoint mechanism saves and restores.

  • restore_register_file specifies whether the checkpoint mechanism saves and restores the register file

Then, we have two sub-dictionaries that specifies which elements need to be restored in the volatile and non-volatile memories:

'restore_stack': True,
'restore_heap': True,
'restore_gst': True
  • restore_stack specifies whether checkpoints include the stack

  • restore_heap specifies whether checkpoints include the heap

  • restore_gst specifies whether checkpoints include the GST allocated onto the specified memory. Note that if a checkpoint mechanism implicitly applies variable versioning, you may need to set this to True

Finally, we have the environment key, which specifies whether checkpoints include the environment state (e.g. restoring a checkpoint restores the position of a servo).

Custom Builtins

The LLVM IR of the program we need to analyze does not include builtin libraries code, such as mathematical or memory management functions.

ScEpTIC provides an implementation of the most used C libraries, such as:

  • math.h: ScEpTIC provides the functionalities of acos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, fabs, floor, fmod, log, log10, pow, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, and tanh

  • stdio.h: ScEpTIC provides the functionalities of the printf and of a custom debug_print

  • stdlib.h: ScEpTIC provides the functionalities of calloc, free, malloc, and realloc

These functions are defined inside ScEpTIC/AST/builtins/libs/. ScEpTIC automatically links the implemented functionalities to the corresponding function calls inside the LLVM IR.

ScEpTIC provides a functionality to define custom builtins directly in our configuration file. Each new function is specified as a python class that extends the Builtin base class, which must have:

  • a parameter tick_count that specifies the amount of clock cycles the function takes

  • a method get_val(self) that returns the result of the function execution

The builtin can access funtion parameters using self.args.

Then, we need to provide the function declaration, by calling the class method define_builtin(function_name, LLVM_IR_parameters, LLVM_IR_return_type). Note that LLVM_IR_parameters is the textual representation of the list of LLVM IR types for the parameters of the function. Similarly, LLVM_IR_return_type is the textual representation of the return type expressed in LLVM IR type.

For example, let us suppose we want to define a new function whose C definition is int test_builtin(double x, int a, int b, int c);, which prints all its parameters and returns the latest one. We can do that as follows:

from ScEpTIC.AST.builtins.builtin import Builtin

class TestBuiltin(Builtin):

    tick_count = 10

    def get_val(self):
        for i in self.args:

        return self.args[3]

Prova.define_builtin('test_builtin', 'double, i32, i32, i32', 'i32')

Note that now we can use test_builtin() inside the source code. ScEpTIC will link the builtin to the function call and execute it.


ScEpTIC models input elements, such as sensors, as custom built-in functions. We can define simple input elements inside our configuration by calling the create_input(name, function_name, LLVM_IR_return_type) method of the InputManager class. Note that name is a string representing the sensor name and function_name is the name of the function we call in the C source code to access the sensor.

Then, we can set the value that the input function returns using the set_input_value(name, val) method of the InputManager class.

For example, if we want to model a sensor named PIR that always returns an integer (i.e. 10):

from import InputManager

InputManager.create_input('PIR', 'pir_input', 'i32')
InputManager.set_input_value('PIR', '10')

Now, we can retrieve the input value by calling the pir_input() function inside our C source code. Note that such function takes no parameter.

ScEpTIC allows us also to define more complex input functions, which support function parameters. For doing so, we need to create a class that extends the InputSkeleton base class, and we need to implement a get_val() method. It must set the return value onto self.value and then return the super().get_val()

Then, similarly to the definition of a custom built-in, we need to call the class method define_input(name, function_name, LLVM_IR_parameters, LLVM_IR_return_type).

For example, we can define a distance sensor that returns the value of its second parameter as follows:

from import InputSkeleton

class PIR(InputSkeleton):

    def get_val(self):
        self.value = self.arg[1]
        return super().get_val()

PIR.define_input('Distance', 'my_distance', 'i32, i32', 'float')

Similarly to before, we can now use my_distance() function inside our C source code.


Similarly to inputs, ScEpTIC models output elements, such as actuators, as custom built-in functions. We can define simple output elements inside our configuration by calling the create_output(name, function_name, LLVM_IR_parameters) method of the OutputManager class. Note that name is a string representing the actuator name and function_name is the name of the function we call in the C source code to access the actuator.

For example, we can model an actuator named motor as follows:

from import OutputManager

OutputManager.create_output('motor', 'motor_run', 'i32')

Now, we can call the motor_run() function inside our C source code to simulate the sending of a start signal to a motor. Note that such function returns no value.

Similarly to inputs, ScEpTIC allows us also to define more complex output functions, which support return values and internal state. This is useful to model complex output functions whose state depends on their current state.

For doing so, we need to create a class that extends the OutputSkeleton base class, and we need to implement a get_val() method. We must call the set_output_val(value) method to update the value that the represented actuator has (i.e. the environment state). If we want to model an actuator that incrementally update its state, we can retrieve its current state using the method get_output_value().

Moreover, if we need to initialize the output state, we can do so by re-implementing the method output_init(), which is called on object creation.

Then, similarly to the definition of a custom built-in, we need to call the class method define_output(name, function_name, LLVM_IR_parameters, LLVM_IR_return_type).

For example, we can define a servo as follows:

from import OutputSkeleton

class Servo(OutputSkeleton):

    # set initial servo position to 0
    def output_init(self):

    def get_val(self):
        value = self.get_output_value() + self.args[0]
        return value

Motor.define_output('servo', 'move_servo', 'i32', 'i32')

Similarly to before, we can now use move_servo() function inside our C source code.