ScEpTIC.AST.transformations.virtual_memory package



ScEpTIC.AST.transformations.virtual_memory.computation_intervals_manager module

class ScEpTIC.AST.transformations.virtual_memory.computation_intervals_manager.ComputationIntervalsManager(parser, memory_tag_parser, checkpoint_function_name, n_min_function, main_function_name)

Bases: object


Addresses the uncertainty of loops


Removes from each computation interval all the dummy write operations whose master instruction target volatile memory


Sets the memory target (volatile/non-volatile) of call and ret instructions


Applies the implicit save and restore transformations. Then, it consolidates memory read instructions by evaluating multiple strategies for creating volatile copies of memory locations. It skips the transformation for single computation interval functions, as they need to target volatile memory


Creates and returns a custom checkpoint function call

static get_name_from_computation_interval_id(name)

Returns the function name from the computation interval id


Returns the basic blocks of the computation interval, ordered by basic block id


Flattens a computation interval, preserving the correct order of instructions


Normalizes checkpoints to fix computation interval boundaries


Parses the AST structures of computation intervals


Creates a dictionary that maps to each function the functions it calls


Identifies the correct parsing order of functions We need to parse each caller before its callee. For example, we start from the main, then we parse the functions called in the main, then the functions called by such functions.


Prints the content of a given computation interval


Prints the content of all the computation intervals


Splits the functions into computation intervals Each computation interval contains a sequence of basic blocks


Synchronizes all the computation intervals with the AST structure

ScEpTIC.AST.transformations.virtual_memory.virtual_memory_transformations module

class ScEpTIC.AST.transformations.virtual_memory.virtual_memory_transformations.VirtualMemoryTransformations

Bases: object

static address_war_hazards(basic_blocks, flatten_function, dummy_write_create)
static apply(basic_blocks, flatten_function, write_whitelist, read_blacklist, memory_tags_name_function, n_min_function, dummy_write_create)

Applies all the virtual memory transformations: implicit save, implicit restore, and consolidate reads. :param write_whitelist a set of the memory tags that need to be preserved (if None -> all) :param read_blacklist a set of memory tags that need not to be read from NVM :param memory_tags_name_function the naming function for identifying a memory tag :param n_min_function function to calculate the n_min parameter of the consolidate reads transforamtion :param dummy_write_create function to create dummy writes

static apply_implicit_restore(basic_blocks, read_blacklist, memory_tags_name_function)

Applies the transformation to implicitly restore the memory content :param read_blacklist a set of the memory tags that need not to be restored :param memory_tags_name_function the naming function for identifying a memory tag

static apply_implicit_save(basic_blocks, write_whitelist, memory_tags_name_function)

Applies the transformation to implicitly save the memory content to a sequence of basic blocks :param write_whitelist a set of the memory tags that need to be preserved (if None -> all) :param memory_tags_name_function the naming function for identifying a memory tag

static consolidate_memory_operations(basic_blocks, n_min_function)

Applies the transformation that creates volatile copies of frequently-accessed memory locations

static reset_builtin_mapping(functions)

Resets the memory mapping of builtin/input functions

static reset_mapping(basic_blocks)

Reverts the effects of virtual memory transformations

Module contents

ScEpTIC.AST.transformations.virtual_memory.apply_transformation(functions, vmstate)